This is the last year of my twenties...holy cow! I thought that 29 things about me would be an fun way to share my birthday. Here we go....
1. I'm deathly afraid of cows and horses.
2. I'm a HUGE fan of Professional Bull Riders.
3. I'm adopted.
4. I still haven't change my last name on my internet bill.
5. My original major in school was going to be Music Education...I ended up with Sport Business.
6. I still have my 814 area code on my cell phone and have had the same number since I was 16.
7. If I didn't marry Jakub, I would've married Hines Ward.
8. My dream vacation is going to Bora Bora.
9. I've been on 5 cruises and going on another one this summer.
10. I'm dying to go on a Mediterranean cruise.
11. I've traveled to 35 states (not to include the ones I have been in via airport).
12. I had to learn how to spell my married last name.
13. My favorite color is pink.
14. I love jewelry. My favorite piece is my Tiffany bracelet that was my wedding gift.
15. I have a shopping problem...and I admit it. (isn't that step 1?)
16. In the past year, I have lost 40 pounds.
17. I have scorpion vision. I find all of the ones that make it into the house.
18. My shoe size is 11. You know what they say about big feet? It means you have a big heart!
19. I sleep like a rock. I don't hear a thing.
20. I could live in Ugg boots and leggings.
21. I have seen New Kids on the Block four an adult.
22. I'm obsessed with my nails and get biweekly manicures. If I don't have polish on, check my temperature.
23. My dogs are my practice children.
24. My drink of choice is Riesling.
25. I have an enormous sweet tooth. My favorite is Daffins chocolate from home.
26. I can out talk a lot of guys when it comes to sports. Especially football and hockey.
27. I have never been to the Grand Canyon and I have lived in Arizona for over 6 years.
28. I've watched every season of the Real Housewives of Orange County. It is my guilty pleasure.
29. I'm terrified to turn 30.
Thank you for all of the birthday emails, text messages, phone calls, and Facebook posts this past sure do know how to make a girl feel loved!
The wonderful cake from Jake! |